A Guide on How to Use Price Checker Bot on Telegram

The Price Checker Bot on HTX Options official Telegram channel allows all channel members to check the prices of options products on HTX in real time.

The message formats for users to request the premiums of options products are shown below:


For European Spread Options on HTX’s Web Version:


/hdw:[Device]-[Token]-[Expiry Date]-[Low Strike Price]-[High Strike Price]-[Product Type] [Contract Size(Optional)]




If user A wants to know the price of an ETH European Spread Call Option that expires on Nov 30, 2021, with a 4500-5000 spread and 2.5 ETH order quantity on HTX’s web version, A should enter the following message in the Telegram channel:


/hdw:Web-ETH-30nov21-4500-5000-C 2.5


For American Options on HTX’s Web Version:


/hdw:[Device]-[Token]-[Expiry Date]-[Strike Price]-[Product Type] [Contract Size(Optional)]




If user A wants to know the price of a BTC American Put Option that expires on Dec 31, 2021, with a strike price of 66,000 USDT and 1 BTC order quantity on HTX’s web version, A should enter the following message in the Telegram channel:





For Touch Options on HTX’s Web Version:  


/hdw:[Device]-[Token]-[Contract Period]-[Lower Barrier Price]-[Upper Barrier Price]-[Product Type] [Payout Amount(Optional)]


*Note: Type “dot” as the Product Type to check the premium of Double One-Touch option; type “dnt” to check the premium of Double No-Touch option. The default Payout Amount is 1 USDT if no value is given.




If user A wants to know the price of an ETH Double One-Touch option that expires on Dec 31, 2021, with a lower barrier price of 3,000 USDT, an upper barrier price of 6,000 USDT, and 100 USDT payout amount on HTX’s web version, A should enter the following message in the Telegram channel:


/hdw:web-eth-31dec21-3000-6000-dot 100



For American Options on HTX mobile app:


/hdw:[Device]- [Token]-[Contract Period]-[Product Type] [Contract Size(Optional)]


*Note: The format of the Contract Period is case-sensitive. The correct formats for the following contract periods are shown below:

Contract Period: 1hour 4hour 1day 3day 1week 3week 1mon 3mon 6mon

Correct Format: 1h 4h 1d 3d 1w 3w 1M 3M 6M




If user A wants to know the price of a BTC American Call Option that expires in 1 hour, with a 0.01 BTC order quantity on HTX mobile app, A should enter the following message in the Telegram channel:


/hdw:App-BTC-1h-C 0.01




Contact Us


Telegram: https://t.me/HTXOptions


Twitter: https://twitter.com/HTX_Options


E-Mail: [email protected]