HTX is going to allow sub user to deposit via API

Dear API user,

HTX is going to allow sub user to deposit via API. The relevant endpoint changes are as follows:

- The endpoint " GET /v2/account/deposit/address " will be accessible for sub users;
- A new endpoint " GET /v2/sub-user/deposit-address "  will be released, parent use could user this endpoint to query sub user's deposit address on corresponding chain, for a specific crypto currency;

- The endpoint " GET /v1/query/deposit-withdraw" will be accessible for sub users;

- A new endpoint " GET /v2/sub-user/query-deposit " will be released, parent user could use this endpoint to search sub user's deposit history;


Effective Date: April 17, 2020(GMT+8)

All the changes will be updated on

April 17, 2020

The following are the changes in details:

APIv2 - Query Deposit Address

GET /v2/account/deposit/address

Allowed sub user’s access, no change on field list.


APIv2 - Query Deposit Address of Sub User (by Parent User) 

GET /v2/sub-user/deposit-address

API Key Permission:Read

Parent user could query sub user's deposit address on corresponding chain, for a specific crypto currency (except IOTA).

Request Parameters

Field Name Data Type Mandatory Description
 subUid  long TRUE  Sub user UID
currency string  TRUE Cryptocurrency

Response Content

Field Name Data Type Mandatory Description
code integer TRUE Status code
message string FALSE Error message (if any)
data object TRUE  
{ currency string TRUE Cryptocurrency
address string       TRUE Deposit address                                                            
addressTag string TRUE Deposit address tag
chain }  string    TRUE Block chain name


Query Withdraw and Deposit History

GET /v1/query/deposit-withdraw

Allowed sub user to access, no change on field list.


Query Deposit History of Sub User (by Parent User)

GET /v2/sub-user/query-deposit

API Key Permission:Read

Parent user could query sub user's deposit history via this endpoint.


Request Parameters

Field Name Data Type Mandatory Description
 subUid  long  TRUE  Sub user UID
currency string FALSE Cryptocurrency (default value: all)
startTime long FALSE Farthest time (please refer to note 1 for valid range and default value)
endTime long FALSE Nearest time (please refer to note 2 for valid range and default value)
sort string FALSE Sorting order (enumerated values: asc, desc)
limit int FALSE Maximum number of items in one page (valid range:[1,500]; default value:100)
fromId long FALSE First record ID in this query (only valid for next page querying; please refer to note 3)

Note 1:

startTime valid range: [(endTime – 30days), endTime]

startTime default value: (endTime – 30days)

Note 2:

endTime valid range: Unlimited

endTime default value: current time

Note 3:

Only when the number of items within the query window (between “startTime” and ”endTime”) exceeded the page limitation (defined by “limit”), HTX server returns “nextId”. Once received “nextId”, API user should –

1) Be aware of that, some items within the query window were not returned due to the page size limitation.
2) In order to get these items from HTX server, adopt the “nextId” as “fromId” and submit another request, with other request parameters no change.
3) “nextId” and “fromId” are for recurring query purpose and the ID itself does not have any business implication.



Field Name Data Type Mandatory Description
code integer TRUE Status code
message string FALSE Error message (if any)
data object TRUE  
{ id          integer TRUE Deposit id
currency string TRUE Cryptocurrency
txHash  string    TRUE The on-chain transaction hash
chain     string TRUE Block chain name
amount float      TRUE The number of crypto asset transferred
address string TRUE The deposit source address
addressTag string    FALSE The user defined address tag
state     string    TRUE The state of this transfer (see below for details) 
createTime integer    TRUE The timestamp in milliseconds for the transfer creation
updateTime } integer    TRUE The timestamp in milliseconds for the transfer's latest update
nextId integer FALSE First record ID in next page (only valid if exceeded page size)

List of possible deposit state

State                 Description
unknown          On-chain transfer has not been received
confirming       On-chain transfer waits for first confirmation
confirmed        On-chain transfer confirmed for at least one block
safe                   Multiple on-chain confirmation happened
orphan             Confirmed but currently in an orphan branch

What are the Impacts on You, and What You Need to Do?

API users should evaluate the business impact caused by the new endpoint introduced, further to make relevant change in client’s application, if needed.

All the changes will be updated on HTX API Docs on the effective date.