Adjust searchable range of historical orders and match results

Dear API user:

In order to provide better service for API users to query historical orders and match results, since the effective day (Jun 10, 2019 Beijing Time), HTX plans to adjust searchable range of historical orders in existing REST API endpoint – “GET /v1/order/orders”, and to adjust searchable range of match results in existing REST API endpoint – “GET /v1/order/matchresults”.

For more details:

1. HTX will only keep 7day historical record for “canceled” orders since the effective day, for API users to query, through endpoint “GET /v1/order/orders” & “GET /v1/order/matchresults”。
2. The largest time span of each query will be restricted to 2 days since the effective day, defined by “start-date” and “end-date”. If API user doesn’t slip the time window by defining these two fields, by default HTX will respond back historical orders today and previous day.



May 31,2019