Trading Details of Bitcoin (HTX Prime) at 18:00 (GMT+8) on May 22

Dear users,

HTX will officially trade Bitcoin (BTC) through HTX Prime at 18:00 (GMT+8) on May 22, 2019.

Exchange Ratio:
Tradable prices in HT & BTC during “ HTX Prime” Round is (using HT price of 2.6 USD;BTC Price of 7898.08 USDT)
1st Round:1 BTC= 1518.86 HT;Trading 38 BTC;
2nd Round:1 BTC= 2673.19 HT;Trading 150 BTC;
Trading Amount:188 BTC

Special reminders:
1. Prime Trading is available through Web, PC client and App;
2. API orders are forbidden during Trading;
3. If found cheating, HTX reserves the right to cancel relevant party’s eligibility to participate in Prime Lite;
4. Due to unexpected user flow, we suggest logging in before 17:30 (GMT+8);
5. HTX Prime is only open to users from countries where digital asset trading is not forbidden.

Risk Disclosure:
Digital asset trading comes with high risks. Please have full understanding of all the risks of trading digital assets and be prudent of your own trading decisions. HTX will review and select the digital assets to be listed and traded, but does not guarantee or compensate for any return or risks thereafter.

Thanks for your support. Enjoy your trading!

May 22, 2019