HTX Will Support Hcash (HSR) Main Net Mapping

Dear users,

According to our communication with the HSR official team, HSR main net has already been launched.

HTX will close HSR deposit and withdrawal service at 11:00 on August 5, 2018 (GMT+8). After completion of the main net mapping, old HSR coins will be updated to the new HSR coins (which will be renamed HC) on HTX. HSR holders can get HC assets without taking any extra action or suspending transaction after completion of the mapping.

As the mapping process involves complex operations, risks may be incurred by user operation. We recommend that you deposit HSR in advance to HTX. We will take snapshot and mapping conversion for users at HSR’s official timing. During suspension period, the original HSR deposit address will expire and HSR tokens deposited to this address will not be recovered. A new deposit address will be generated until HSR main net is switched. Users need to use the new address to deposit then.

Risk reminder: During chain swapping period, the price of HSR may have larger fluctuation. Please pay attention to your margin account so as to avoid the liquidation risks brought by the price fluctuation.

Thank you for your support!

August 4, 2018