HTX Pro Announcement on EOS snapshot tool implementation support

Dear users,

According to EOS official website, EOS has implemented online a test network, and has begun testing EOS ERC20 token snapshot to the Ethereum network. Click here to view the EOS official announcement on the test network and snapshot solution:

As the snapshot process involved is complex in nature, and users may incur some risk in performing the operation themselves, we suggest that users deposit their EOS tokens on HTX Pro’s website so we can assist with the snapshot conversion process on your behalf at the appointed schedule defined by EOS. There will be no additional action required on your part. Trading activity will not be impacted, and when the EOS website comes back online, you may choose to withdraw 100% of your EOS holdings.  

If other coins listed on the HTX Pro Website are impacted by changes associated with the primary chain, we will communicate promptly with the associated project owner, and provide similar support as soon as possible.

March 12, 2018